

Deceptive Deepfakes: Legal Loopholes and Challenges

Deceptive Deepfakes: Legal Loopholes and Challenges

Speaker at the Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory Annual Workshop 2024, Gjøvik, NTNU, 6 March 2024

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From facial recognition to generative AI: Regulation of AI applications

From facial recognition to generative AI: Regulation of AI applications

Panelist speaker as part of Navigating the EU AI Act: Innovation, Regulation, and the Future of the Digital Society, Jantina Tammes School / RUG (06.02.2024)

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Biometrics in the Era of AI: From utopia to dystopia?

Biometrics in the Era of AI: From utopia to dystopia?

Keynote talk at the Idiap Symposium on AI for Security and Privacy, in Martigny (11.10.2023)

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Facial Recognition Technologies in Public Spaces and the Principle of Necessity

Facial Recognition Technologies in Public Spaces and the Principle of Necessity

Paper presented at the NextDem FRTs Conference organised by the European Institute in Florence (29.09.2023)

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