Main project: DATAFACE (Marie Curie Research, 2020-2023)
The growing use of Artificial Intelligence-based technologies for security purposes, such as applications enabling face-recognition in public spaces, has become a subject of growing concern. The technology can make mistakes, be skin-colour or gender-biased, and it can also pose a danger to personal freedoms (including the right to privacy). Yet, the technologies are deployed at a breakneck pace around the world and lack specific regulatory frameworks.
The EU-funded DATAFACE project aims to research the possible threats that the deployment of facial recognition tools in public areas poses to the rights to privacy and data protection at European level. Legitimate and proportionate usage will be used as criteria to provide policy recommendations on adequate legal frameworks.
Latest News

Deceptive Deepfakes: Is the Law Coping with AI-Altered Representations of Ourselves?
Paper presentation (poster), Biosig 2024, Darmstadt, 26 September 2024
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Deceptive Deepfakes: Legal Loopholes and Challenges
Speaker at the Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory Annual Workshop 2024, Gjøvik, NTNU, 6 March 2024
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From facial recognition to generative AI: Regulation of AI applications
Panelist speaker as part of Navigating the EU AI Act: Innovation, Regulation, and the Future of the Digital Society, Jantina Tammes School / RUG (06.02.2024)
Read MorePublications
C. Jasserand
The Future AI Act and Facial Recognition Technologies in Public Spaces: Nice to Have or Strictly Necessary? European Data Protection Law Review, 2023, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 430-443 -DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Réutilisation des données personnelles par les autorités de police: articulation entre le règlement européen de la protection des données (RGPD) et la directive 2016/680 Revue du droit des technologies de l'information, 2020, no. 3, pp. 43-60
A. Nautsch, C. Jasserand, E. Kindt, et al.
Preserving Privacy in Speaker and Speech Characterisation , Computer Speech and Language, 2019, Vol. 58, pp. 441-480.
C. Jasserand
Law Enforcement Access to Personal Data Originally Collected by Private Parties: Missing Data Subjects’ Safeguards in Directive 2016/680? , Computer Law and Security Review, 2018, Vol. 34, issue 1, pp. 154-165
C. Jasserand
Subsequent Use of GDPR Data for a Law Enforcement Purpose: The Forgotten Principle of Purpose Limitation , European Data Protection Law Review, 2018, Vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 152-167
C. Jasserand
Legal Nature of Biometric Data: From ‘Generic’ Personal Data to Sensitive Data European Data Protection Law Review, 2016, vol.2, issue 3, pp. 297-311
C. Jasserand
Avoiding Terminological Confusion between the Notions of ‘Biometrics’ and ‘Biometric Data’ International Data Privacy Law, 2016, vol.6, issue 1, pp. 63-76
C. Jasserand
Critical Views on the French Approach to ‘Net Neutrality’ Journal of Internet Law, 2013, vol.16, issue 9
C. Jasserand
Hosting Providers’ Liability: Cour de Cassation Puts an End to the Notice and Stay Down Rule , Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 2013, issue 3, pp. 192-193
C. Jasserand
Régime français de la responsabilité des intermédiaires techniques Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle, 2013, vol. 25, issue 3, pp. 1135-1147
C. Jasserand
Securing the Paris 2024 Olympic Games with Smart Surveillance Cameras: What is at Stake? , CiTIP Blogpost, 2023 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand, J. Czarnocki , C. A. Fontanillo Lopez, L. Belkadi, B.Sumer, A. Elbi ,and E.Kindt
The EU’s Approach to AI: A Short Discussion of the Draft Artificial Intelligence Act from Biometrics’s Law Perspective , EAB, 2022 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Clearview AI: Illegally Collecting and Selling Our Faces in Total Impunity, Part II ,CiTIP Blogpost, 2022 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Clearview AI: Illegally Collecting and Selling Our Faces in Total Impunity, Part I ,CiTIP Blogpost, 2022 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand, C. Fontanillo Lopez, L. Belkadi, J. Czarnocki, M. Özal, B.Sumer, and E.Kindt
New Extensive Guidelines on the Use of Facial Recognition by the Council of Europe , EAB, 2021 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Yellow Card to a French Football Club: No Facial Recognition System to Monitor their Supporters , CiTIP Blogpost, 2021 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Free to re-use? The case of facial images scrapped from the Internet and compiled in mega research databases , CiTIP Blogpost, 2020 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
France: Part of Law on Private Copying Levy is Unconstitutional , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2013
C. Jasserand
CJEU: The Luksan Case and the protection of film directors , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
HADOPI hits once again the headlines , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
Jurisdiction issue over the sale of copyright-infringing CDs: a new referral to the CJEU by the French Court of Cassation , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
YouTube Guilty but not liable? Some more precisions on the status of hosting providers , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
The Court of Cassation Puts an End to the Notice and Stay Down ‘Rule’ , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
Google can be ordered to filter words linking to online privacy websites , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
DailyMotion Heavily Fined for the Late Removal of Infringing Content , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
Recent decisions of the Paris Court of Appeal: Towards an extra duty of surveillance for hosting providers , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
Discussions around a new online intermediary liability regime , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
Google Suggest: no copyright liability for suggesting words like Torrent, Megaupload, and RapidShare , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
Will out-of-commerce books soon be manage by a collective management society in France? , Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2012
C. Jasserand
Deceptive Deepfakes: Is the Law Coping with AI-Altered Representations of Ourselves? BIOSIG 2024, Darmstadt
C. Jasserand
FRTs in Public Spaces and the Principle of Necessity Next Democratic Frontiers for Facial Recognition Technology, European University Institute, Florence, 2023 - DATAFACE
L. Belkadi and C. Jasserand
From Algorithmic Destruction to Algorithmic Imprint: Generative AI and Privacy Risks Linked to Potential Traces of Personal Data in Trained Models GenLaw 2023, online - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand and L. Belkadi
From Algorithmic Destruction to Algorithmic Imprint: Should EU Researchers be Worried that Data Deletion is not Sufficient? Privacy Law Scholar Conference (PLSC) Europe 2023, Lausanne - DATAFACE
B. Sümer, N. Menendez, A. Elbi, C. Jasserand, J. Czarnocki, and E. Kindt
Mapping the EU Biometric Data Landscape: A Misty Journey of Biometric Data towards a Mazy Direction LAIR Conference, Rotterdam 2023 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand and B. Sümer
Keeping Track of the Regulation of Biometric Data within the EU Cyberlaw: Legal Overlaps and Data Protection Challenges BILETA Conference, 2023 - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Research, the GDPR, and Mega Biometric Training Datasets: Opening the Pandora Box BiOSIG Conference 2022, Darmstadt - DATAFACE
A. Nautsch, C. Jasserand, E. Kindt, M. Todisco, I. Trancoso, and N. Evans
The GDPR and Speech Data: Reflections of the Legal and Technology Communities, First Steps Towards a Common Understanding InterSpeech 2019: Crossroad of Speech and Language, Graz
C. Jasserand and A. Ross
Privacy Through Biometric De-Identification: Bridging the Gap between Legal and Technological Perspectives The 11th Annual Privacy Law Scholar Conference (PLSC) 2018, Washington
C. Jasserand
Reprocessing of Biometric Data for Law Enforcement Purposes: Individuals’ Safeguards Caught at the Interface between the GDPR and the ‘Police’ Directive? PhD Thesis
Public Sector Information and Audiovisual Archives , IRIS -Plus, vol.2013, issue 5, pp.7-21
B.Hugenholtz, C.Jasserand
Using Copyright to Promote Access to Public Sector Information: A Comparative Survey , Study commissioned by WIPO as part of 'Using Copyright to Promote Access to Information and Creative Content', 2011
N. van Eijk, T.van Engers, C. Wiersma, C. Jasserand, and W. Abel
Moving Towards Balance: A Study into Duties of Care on the Internet , Report commissioned by the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Justice (WODC), 2010
C. Jasserand
Biometric Data, Within and Beyond Data Protection in Bart van der Sloot and Sascha van Schendel (eds) 'The Boundaries of Data' (APU 2024) - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Article 10. Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data in Eleni Kosta and Franziska Boehm (eds) 'Law Enforcement Directive (LED): A commentary' (Oxford University Press, November 2023) - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Experiments with Facial Recognition Technologies in Public Spaces: In Search of an EU Governance Framework in Andrej Zwitter and Oskar Gstrein (eds) 'Handbook on the Politics and Governance of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence' (EE 2023) - DATAFACE
C. Jasserand
Massive Facial Databases and the GDPR: the New Data Protection Rules Applicable to Research in Ronald Leenes, Rosamunde van Brakel, Serge Gurtwith, and Paul de Hert (eds) 'Data Protection and Privacy: the Internet of Bodies' (Hart Publishing 2018)