
44th Global Privacy Assembly

  • 19 October 2022
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On 25 October 2022, Catherine will participate in the panel on ‘Privacy Concerns in the Facial Recognition Technology’ at the 44th Global Privacy Assembly held in Istanbul on the topic of ‘a Matter of Balance: Privacy in the Era of Rapid Technological Advancement’.

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Biosig 2022

  • 19 October 2022
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On 16 September 2022, Catherine participated in Biosig 2022 where she presented her paper on ‘Research, the GDPR, and Mega Biometric Training Datasets: Opening the Pandora Box’. Biosig 2022 was the 22nd International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group organised in Darmstadt.

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The EU approach to Facial Recognition Regulation

  • 30 May 2022
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During her visit to the iPRoBe lab, Catherine discussed the regulatory state of play of FRTs (Facial Recognition Technologies) in the EU, based on the future Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) and the current data protection rules (GDPR and LED) (talk on 18 May 2022)

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Regulatory State of Play of FRTs in the EU

  • 29 May 2022
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On 23 May 2022, Catherine met experts from the AFOG (Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Group) from UC Berlekey to discuss her research (and comparative analysis with the US approach to the regulation of facial recognition technologies). She also presented a talk on the ‘regulatory state of play of FRTs in the EU’.

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